Serving the Hobby...
Since 1998!
E. coil or Collibacillosis
Cause - This disease, which is now thought to be more
prevalent in pigeons than once suspected, is caused by gram
negative bacteria which can invade our lofts through
infected dust particles, rodent droppings, and through
infected pigeon droppings coming into contact with eggs in
the nest. Infected adult pigeons will emit the bacteria
through their droppings, so they can be spread quite readily
throughout a pigeon loft.
Symptoms - Since the E. coli bacteria can manifest
themselves in any part of the pigeon's body, symptoms can be
diverse. Most often young will die in the nest, adult birds
will become listless and lose weight, and their droppings
will become loose, mucousy, and greenish-yellow in
appearance. Sometimes the droppings will have a foul odor.
Occasionally some birds may have nasal discharges and
respiratory problems associated with this disease.
Prevention - Maintaining good loft hygiene and keeping
rodents away from feed and water are very important. Also
keeping dust and ammonia levels down will help to control
any outbreaks.
General Antibiotics - Any fancier would be well advised to
have a good general antibiotic in his medicine chest. They
can be useful as "first choice" drugs if and when problems
occur. General antibiotics are effective against a broad
range of both gram positive and gram negative bacteria.